Monday, July 8, 2013

Stuffed Picnic Loaf

I really enjoy summer recipes that don't require cooking. Especially if they have the added bonuses of being easy to prepare and delicious. Fortunately, this stuffed picnic loaf qualifies in all three categories. Plus, it is incredibly easy to take with you on any summer outings.

Stuffed Picnic Loaf
1 large round loaf, whole grain if possible
1 tomato, chopped
1 avocado, chopped
1/2 cup artichoke hearts, chopped
1/2 cup roasted red pepper (from a jar, if desired)
2–4 cups fresh spinach
3 leaves of fresh basil, chopped
3 TBSP pesto

Begin by cutting one inch off the top of the round loaf. Using a knife or your hands, hollow out the inside, leaving about a half-an-inch lining of bread on the sides and bottom of the loaf.

Spread pesto on the bottom of the loaf. Then put a thin layer of spinach leaves on the bottom to prevent the tomato juice from making the bread soggy. Layer the tomato, artichoke, avocado, roasted red pepper, and basil on top of that. Then stuff the loaf to the brim with more spinach. You want your loaf to be tightly packed, so don't be afraid to really stuff it!

Replace the top of the loaf, wrap it, and place in the refrigerator for a few hours with something heavy stacked on top of it. (This will help prevent the ingredients from falling out when you cut it open.)

Cut into fourths and serve!

Feel free to adjust the ingredient amounts to fit the size of your loaf. Also, I want to try this with alfalfa sprouts sometime. Or maybe with hummus instead of pesto. Just some ideas. :)
Inspired by Daily Mail

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