Thursday, July 18, 2013

Veggie Wrap

When I started eating healthier, one of the challenges I faced (and let's be honest, I'm still facing it!) was finding quick meals that I could eat away from home. At first, I cooked ridiculously elaborate meals—and not just once a day, but every meal of every day. I don't recommend that. :)

Now I'm trying out some easier and more portable recipes. This veggie wrap is one of them. It's nothing brilliant, but I know that I struggled to figure out how to make a healthy lifestyle actually doable, and an easy recipe like this would have been helpful. So if you're in the same boat, try this!

Veggie Wrap
1 whole-grain tortilla
slices of tomato
roasted red peppers (from a jar)
avocado slices
artichoke hearts (from a can)
handful of spinach or other greens
1 TBSP pesto (from a jar)

Roll everything up in the tortilla!

This recipe is just to give you some ideas. You can leave out any of these ingredients or add more, of course. And you can make this meal even faster if you leave some sliced tomato in the fridge. Then all you have to do is slice your avocado and slap the whole thing together.

Like I said, it's nothing brilliant, but I hope it helps!
Adapted from Eating for Pregnancy

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