Wednesday, July 3, 2013

What I'm All About

Hey, I'm Heidi. Thanks for visiting my blog. Last summer, after watching Forks Over Knives, reading Eat to Live, and researching dietary health,  I decided I wanted to eat a plant-based, whole-foods diet. At first, it was really difficult to find good recipes—good tasting and good for you. I created this blog to share my favorite healthy recipes with all of you. 

Some of these recipes are my own creations, some I have collected and adapted to my needs, and some I have posted direct links to, because they are already amazing. I am very diligent about giving credit where credit is due, and I hope you will follow the links and use the many amazing blogs out there as resources for your own recipe hunts! 

I am not perfect at eating healthy, and perfection is not my aim. I am aiming for persistent healthy eating, not perfect healthy eating. In other words, I'm happy with myself if I make healthy choices 80%–90% of the time. And I certainly don't feel guilty about a good juicy steak or a big bowl of ice cream every now and then! I share this with you because I want you to know that every healthy choice is a good choice, and you can celebrate making one good decision today even if you make a less good decision tomorrow. And that "less good" decision shouldn't stop you from making a better decision the next day! 

Whether you are looking for drastic dietary change or just a few healthy recipes to supplement your current diet, I hope you will find some recipes here that you like! My only hope for Useful Snippits is that you will find it . . . well . . . useful. :)



  1. I love your blog. I would love to hear how you transitioned into this diet. I would also love to hear certain items that you think you need to have on hand to cook plant-based meals.

    1. Emily, thanks for your suggestions! I have quite a few recipes I still want to post soon, but I will definitely get around to answering those questions at some point. :)

  2. I finally got over here, I'm so excited about all of these recipes, and I think the kids might even eat some!
